TS-8390-49xx Expansion Header

From embeddedTS Manuals

The Expansion header is a 0.1" pitch 2x10 header.

DIO Header Pinout
Pin Description
1 ttymxc3 RS232 RX
2 ttyMAX1 RS485-
3 ttymxc0 RS232 RX [1]
4 ttyMAX1 RS485+
5 ttymxc0 RS232 TX [1]
6 ttymxc3 RS232 TX
7 CAN2_H
8 CAN2_L
9 ttymxc4 RS232 RX
10 ttyMAX2 RS232 TX
11 Not supported with the TS-4900
12 ttymxc4 RS232 TX
13 Not supported with the TS-4900
14 ttyMAX RS485-
15 5V
16 ttyMAX0 RS485+
17 CAN_H
18 CAN_L
19 VIN
20 VIN
  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 If the console enable jumper is on, this is console (ttymxc0). IF the jumper is off, this is ttymxc2