TS-7840 Nimbelink

From embeddedTS Manuals

The Nimbelink Cell Radio socket is intended for Nimbelink's Skywire embedded modems.

# Turn off both, only 1 can be on.
gpioset 3 16=0
gpioset 3 17=0

# For modems wanting 4V:
gpioset 3 16=1

# For modems wanting 3.3V:
gpioset 3 17=1

If your modem supports USB, this must be enabled.

gpioset 3 21=0

For UART based modems these may default to faster speeds than the default clock.

set_uart_baud --port 3 --baud 921600
picocom -b 115200 /dev/ttyS4
Note: Some Nimbelink cell modems have a long startup and may not show up on USB for a minute before enumerating on USB.
Pin Description
11 GND
12 /dev/ttyS4 CTS
13 NC
14 3.3V
15 GND
16 GND
17 NC
18 NC
19 NC
20 GND
Pin Description
10 GND
8 USB-
7 USB+
6 4.7V
5 NC
3 /dev/ttyS4 TXD
2 /dev/ttyS4 RXD
1 NIMBEL_PWR (3.3V or 4V)

While pin 1 commonly lines up with the antennas on the modems, the pin 1 orientation should be verified in your modem's datasheet.