TS-7250-V3 DIO Header

From embeddedTS Manuals

The DIO header is a 0.1" pitch 2x8 header including SPI and GPIO. All pins on this header are 5V tolerant except SPI output pins. The SPI input pins are 5V tolerant and can be connected to a 5V SPI device. All of these DIO include pullups.

Signals Pin Layout
Pin IO Type Signal
1 FPGA 3.3-V LVTTL+QS3861 GPIO Chip 50004010.fpga_gpio IO 1
3 FPGA 3.3-V LVTTL+QS3861 GPIO Chip 50004010.fpga_gpio IO 2
4 Open drain[1] Current Sink Output Chip 209c000.gpio IO 30
5 FPGA 3.3-V LVTTL+QS3861 GPIO Chip 50004010.fpga_gpio IO 3 / ttyS14 TX
6 FPGA 3.3-V LVTTL spidev 4.0 Chip Select / GPIO Chip 50004010.fpga_gpio IO 11
7 FPGA 3.3-V LVTTL+QS3861 GPIO Chip 50004010.fpga_gpio IO 4 / ttyS14 RX
8 FPGA 3.3-V LVTTL+QS3861 GPIO Chip 50004010.fpga_gpio IO 5
9 FPGA 3.3-V LVTTL+QS3861 GPIO Chip 50004010.fpga_gpio IO 6 / ttyS15 TX
10 FPGA 3.3-V LVTTL+QS3861 spidev 4.0 MISO / GPIO Chip 50004010.fpga_gpio IO 10 [2]
11 FPGA 3.3-V LVTTL+QS3861 GPIO Chip 50004010.fpga_gpio IO 7 / ttyS15 RX
12 FPGA 3.3-V LVTTL spidev 4.0 MOSI / GPIO Chip 50004010.fpga_gpio IO 15
13 FPGA 3.3-V LVTTL+QS3861 GPIO Chip 50004010.fpga_gpio IO 8 / ttyS14 TXEN
14 FPGA 3.3-V LVTTL spidev 4.0 CLK / GPIO Chip 50004010.fpga_gpio IO 14
15 FPGA 3.3-V LVTTL+QS3861 GPIO Chip 50004010.fpga_gpio IO 9 / ttyS15 TXEN
16 3.3V

  1. High drives ground, low is tristate.
  2. This pin is input only even when in the GPIO mode

To use the SPI pins on this header as GPIO instead, disable SPI by changing the FPGA Syscon 0x08 bit 10:

​tshwctl -a 0x8 --poke32 0x400

The DIO header is designed to provide compatibility with the KPAD accessory. This is a 4x4 numerical keypad. This is supported in userspace with the keypad.c source code, or the "keypad" utility which is included in the shiping image.

This debounces presses to 50ms, and does not repeat when numbers are held. This will output a string containing the key that is pressed. Eg:

root@tsimx6:~# keypad