TS-7180 GPS

From embeddedTS Manuals

The TS-7180 has an optional on-board Telit SL869 GPS receiver, accessible at /dev/ttymxc7, through which the GPS provides NMEA strings. An SMA female connector is provided for attaching an antenna.

The GPS power is controllable through a GPIO. For example:

gpioset 5 19=1 # turn on GPS
gpioset 5 19=0 # turn off GPS

By default, the GPS module is powered on when the board starts up.

A typical way of interfacing with the GPS is using gpsd. For example, under Debian, load these packages:

apt install gpsd gpsd-clients -y

Then edit /etc/default/gpsd and enable and/or change these two variables:

# Devices gpsd should collect to at boot time.
# They need to be read/writeable, either by user gpsd or the group dialout.

# Other options you want to pass to gpsd

Then restart gpsd:

service gpsd restart

For testing, run gpsmon to see lock, coordinates, and time information.

You will likely want gpsd to start automatically at boot. To make this always happen, type:

systemctl enable gpsd

Finally, the following article describes writing clients that interface with gpsd, which can do so from most programming languages: