TS-7100 USB Ports

From embeddedTS Manuals

The TS-7100-Z offers two USB 2.0 type A host ports. See the USB Controller section for more details.

The bottom (USB1) port is always available on the USB Header. The top port (USB2) is switchable, and instead can be connected to the USB pins of an installed XBee device or NimbeLink modem inserted in to the CN16 socket. By default USB is connected to the top USB type A port instead of the Nimbelink Header.

# Enable top USB port (default):
gpioset 7 9=0

# Move USB to Nimbelink/XBEE Header
gpioset 7 9=1

Power to the host ports can be controlled with the LED subsystem under the LED device:

# USB off:
echo 0 > /sys/class/leds/en-usb-5v/brightness

# USB On:
echo 1 > /sys/class/leds/en-usb-5v/brightness

See the DIO section of the manual for more information on this. The USB A host port stack can provide 1 A total power output shared between the two ports.