TS-7553-V2 4.9 kernel compile guide

From embeddedTS Manuals

Compiling the kernel requires an armhf toolchain. We recommend development using Debian Stretch workstation which includes an armhf compiler in the repositories. See the Debian Stretch cross compile section for instructions on installing the proper cross compiler.

Additionally, some libraries and tools are required for the kernel build process:

# Install dependencies for kernel build
# The following command is for Ubuntu / Debian workstations. If using a different
# distribution, please consult distribution docs for the proper commands to install
# new packages/tools/libraries/etc.
apt-get install libncurses5-dev bc lzop

git clone https://github.com/embeddedTS/linux-lts
# To do a shallow clone of just the latest snapshot of the linux-4.9.y branch, which results in a smaller download size and size on disk, the following command can be used:
# git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/embeddedTS/linux-lts -b linux-4.9.y
cd linux-4.9.y

# These next commands set up some necessary environment variables
export ARCH=arm
export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf-
export LOADADDR=0x80800000

# This sets up the default configuration that we ship with
make tsimx6ul_defconfig

## Make any changes in "make menuconfig" or driver modifications, then compile
make && make zImage

To install the kernel and modules to an SD card, attach it to the PC and assuming the the SD card shows up as /dev/sdc, run the following:

export DEV=/dev/sdc1
sudo mount "$DEV" /mnt/sd
sudo rm /mnt/sd/boot/zImage
sudo cp arch/arm/boot/zImage  /mnt/sd/boot/zImage
sudo cp arch/arm/boot/dts/imx6ul*ts*.dtb /mnt/sd/boot/
INSTALL_MOD_PATH="/mnt/sd" sudo -E make modules_install 
sudo -E make headers_install INSTALL_HDR_PATH="/mnt/sd/usr"
sudo umount /mnt/sd/